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Business Loans

Interest Rate Factor: What It Is, How to Calculate It

Interest Rate Factor: What It Is, How to Calculate It & More

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What is Rate Factor on Interest?

If you’re seeking funding options for your business, you’ve no doubt come across a few terms, such as rate factor or payment factor. And you’re not alone if you’re asking “what is payment factor” or “what is a factor rate?”Many people may not be familiar with these terms, especially if they haven’t sought business funding before.

To help clear things up, we’ve written this post to explain what these terms actually mean.

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Small Business Funding Options: Best Funders for SMEs

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What are the Different Options for Funding a Business?

It takes money to make money, and this couldn’t be more true than in business. Whether you’re building a company from scratch or you’ve been running it for years, having adequate capital is crucial. No matter how well your company performs, at some point, you’ll need to consider outside funding.

Before you start exploring your options, you need to do some research. Here are some of the essential things you need to know when it comes to small business funding.

Read More »Small Business Funding Options: Best Funders for SMEs

Debt Financing vs Equity Financing | L3 Funding

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Debt vs Equity Financing: What’s Best for Your Business? 

As an entrepreneur looking to start up a new venture, one of the most pressing questions is how you’re going to finance the business. Usually, you’ll be choosing between debt and equity financing.

Understanding the difference between debt financing vs equity financing is key to your endeavor’s success. The basic debt fundraising definition generally refers to taking out a loan that has preset interest and timed payment intervals. Equity financing simply means giving out ownership of your company in exchange for cash flow. 

Choosing debt vs equity financing can be an ordeal in itself. There are several factors that you need to consider. Before solidifying your choice between the many debt equity financing options, you need to analyze your business’s current stage, expendable income, capital structure, and the economy as a whole. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of equity financing and help you determine which is right for your new venture.

Read More »Debt Financing vs Equity Financing | L3 Funding
small business installment loans

Small Business Installment Loans: What They Are | L3 Funding

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Small Business Installment Loans: Growing Your Business One Installment at A Time 

If you are running a small business, then various kinds of merchant funding are going to be important. You will need to pay for daily operational expenses, supplies inventory and even invest for future growth. In times of financial need, small business installment loans can provide a helpful solution to taking care of these many areas of business.

Read More »Small Business Installment Loans: What They Are | L3 Funding

Long Term vs Short Term Financing: All You Need to Know

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Everything You Need to Know About Long Term and Short Term Financing 

As you run your business, you may find that you have hiccups in cash flow and gaps in paying bills of various kinds. If you plan on running a business, it’s vital to understand the differences between short term financing vs long term financing.

In this post we’ll talk about short term loans and long term loans,the differences between them, and how they can help you. Learn more about the difference between short term and long term loans below.

Read More »Long Term vs Short Term Financing: All You Need to Know
short term business loans

Short Term Business Loans: Fast Commercial & Startup Funding

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Short Term Business Loans: What You Should Know

Financing your small business isn’t always easy, and applying for a loan with a bank can be even harder. Most favor larger companies with an excellent track record and credit history. If this doesn’t describe you, fortunately, all is not lost.

Enter the short term business loan: a quicker alternative to more traditional long term loans. By providing a fast cash infusion, you can help plug the holes in your daily business operations.

However, these loans do have some disadvantages and are not for everyone. Read on to learn what a short term loan is, and if it’s right for your business.

Read More »Short Term Business Loans: Fast Commercial & Startup Funding